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Oh, my God! I’m HUMAN!

Butterflies are playing, weird and wonderful, somewhere deep inside… underpants are trembling thinking about him/ her… time is not enough… space is full with us… sorrow, sadness or unhappiness are just memories… future is so bright, complete and unrestricted…

oh, my God! I’m in love!…

and now the tragedy begins… this is terrible… nothing last forever… better slip away before nobody hurts me… or stay in this uncertainty… loves me/ loves me not… how much/ how deep/ how matchless/ how…? …Everybody wants to know the truth, few of us are ready to listen to the truth…

oh, my God! I’m in trouble!…

or life goes on… I only care about you, us, love, words, songs, kisses, nights… I know we could be wrong and flame for nothing… I know the end could be painful and complicated… I know and I don’t care!… I beg for time with you, I plead for life with you, I have faith in love with you… but if it’s not… I never stop to pray for love!

Oh, my God! I’m HUMAN!...


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